What To Wear For Headshots
Makeup & Hair
If you are going to wear makeup on the shoot, please try to keep your makeup natural. As headshots are supposed to be a natural representation of you. So best to avoid heavy eyeshadow and bright lipstick. However, if you are having portraits done during the shoot, bring your makeup with you to touch up after the headshots are done.
As for your hair, your hair should be styled as you would style it to go to an audition.
Picking the right clothes is always a bit tricky, the first thing you need to consider is what you want to portray. For example, If you see yourself as an English rose, or dashing gentleman, you should look at classical and simple clothing rather than wearing something like a hoodie or a T-Shirt.
Black is great for everyone. For headshots it brings a lot of focus to your face, however, does it say much? It's good for being 'neutral' or maybe if you're looking to play a villainous character, but how many other characters can you get from that shot?
Oh, I love colours! Its lovely to now be able to use colour headshots as opposed to just black & white. It brings so much vibrancy and can really make you stand out from the crowd.
Have a think about what colours suit your features and your skin tone. What colour are your eyes and what colour compliments them? For instance, if you are a brunette: reds, blues and greens work brilliantly!
Whites are a little tricky, they can show off darker skin tones, but it also has the ability to completely wash out lighter skin tones. If you're going to bring white or other lighter colours, use them under jackets, cardigans or jumpers as a layer.
Other Layers
Jackets and open hoodies can be a great way to show different character castings. These clothing styles work brilliantly for TV & Film.
Hot & Cold Weathers
Keep in mind the time of year you are having headshots taken too, if you shoot outdoors and it is winter, there is little use just bringing vest tops, as you will freeze. Try and take some thin layers to put under clothing if it is cold, but if its summer, try not to take lots of thick layers as you will melt!
Ladies, it is best to try and avoid thin strapped tops as they can look slightly naked when cropped.